Grace (Ultime 47)
Posted by on Dec 30, 2010 in Association News, ERF rescues | 0 comments
Grace has returned to the ERF fold after her previous guardians have had to return to the UK. We are now looking for a permanent guardian who can bring her on and give her a secure future.
Grace was born whilst her mum was with ERF and spent her first few months in our care. Sunrise was rehomed when the mushroom farm that she provided manure for closed down. She had a foal at foot and was in foal to the the Breton stallion (Honneur) on the premises.
Many of the horses on the farm had already been sold to dealers but given her condition, we felt that Sunrise and her foals deserved a safe future so she and her in-foal field-mate, Cindy, came home with us. Grace was born a few months later in April 2008.
Sunrise has since been rehomed and is looked after by Janie – her transformation has been wonderful to watch:
Grace is very used to children and animals and is submissive to other horses. She has lived out all her life and has an incredible winter coat on her! She will be a weight bearer being wide but not too tall and is calm. If you are looking for a younger horse to bring on or to be a companion, then please get in touch with us.